Thursday, August 14, 2008

Day One Posting#1 What summer memory or experience

Yawn* "What time was it?" I slowly pulled my body up from its vegative state of exhaustion. I had been up till 4:00am last night chatting with friends, and now, I was feeling the consequences. I looked up at the clock, which showed 1:15pm. 1:15pm! I had SAT prep class at 1:00pm, I was already 15 minutes late. I threw some clothes on and ran out the house. By the time I got there, it was 1:30pm. Nervous and scared, I tip toed down the hallway towards the classroom. Each step I took, filled me with dread. I slowly turned the knob and stepped in. Weary students were scattered across the classroom, each minding their own businesses. Some were plugged into Ipods, others, blatantly put down their heads to sleep. Even the teacher was putting in a weak effort into the class. This was SAT prep. I had nothing to worry about, I stepped into the classroom, sat in my chair, and retreated back to slumber.

1 comment:

BenC said...

It sounds boring. I had SAT prep was also boring. But its over so yay! :)